On Anti Electoralism and Voting For Biden
In the online left, there is a worrying rise in anti-electoralism, especially with the Biden administration's handling of Israel-Palestine. Although there are legitimate grievances against Biden, when it comes down to Biden vs. Trump, our decision should be based on harm reduction, because we should want less overall human suffering in the world based on our decision. And between Biden and Trump, Biden is clearly the "lesser evil." Not only that, but much of the anti-electoral position isn't based on actually reducing the suffering of people, but on vague moralizing about how bad Biden is, but if we really care about reducing harm to people, we should still make the decision that causes less harm. Firstly, lets establish that by not voting for Biden, the statement is essentially that you think Biden and Trump are both bad, so you won't vote for either. Or you'll vote third party, which is indistinguishable from not voting as long...